Music To Get You Through The Trump Years…

Hi all,

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, but I felt inspired to share a playlist I procured. The last couple of years and particularly the last few weeks have been terrible for our country, future, the world, and our sanity. With all the disgusting things being done now by the Trump administration and some of his uniformed and bigoted supporters and how far it has and will continue to set us back, I find myself more hopeless and angry than ever. When I feel like I’ve reached a breaking point, I’ve been listening to a playlist I created called “Revolution” which is exactly what we need! We have tried and are still trying peaceful revolution via protests and political discussions via social media and in person, but it doesn’t seem to have gotten us anywhere. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” (JFK). You can save and listen to this playlist whenever you want by clicking “Follow” at the top of the playlist in Spotify. The playlist is embedded at the bottom of this article.

There are songs on this playlist that address the Democratic Primary and the rigging, cheating, and sandbagging of Bernie Sanders. Thanks a lot Hillary, DNC, and the media for screwing us of the only decent person to run for President in 2016 and probably since the 50s or 60s! Bernie would have won! The opening song “Disco Inferno” is a direct deference to Bernie, as it became an unofficial anthem for his campaign and is a fun note to start such a dark and angry playlist on. Bern baby Bern! There are songs that directly address Trump and his Facist mentality. There are songs that address the government at large and how we got to where we are. Many of these songs express the anger that is stirring and that we will need to harness to overthrow the current regime and shape a better future than we have had for the past 30-40 years. There are songs about our dying planet. There are protest songs. There are songs about the militarism of the Police. There are songs about race. Black Lives Matter! The only song missing from the playlist is Prince’s Black Lives Matter protest song “Baltimore” since his music is unavailable on Spotify. If you want the full experience you can insert that song after Bruce Springsteen and before Pussy Riot. There are also songs about income inequality. And  toward the latter half of the album, there are songs of hope and love, which is just what we need. Obama was a good step further and he made some good changes, which are now being undone, but he never went far enough. He wasn’t allowed to because he was still owned by Wall Street and Corporations like almost every other politician. He answered to them ultimately. Not us. We need a real Progressive in office who doesn’t take money from Wall Street or Corporations, who can’t be bought, and whose only concern is the betterment of life for the poor and middle class of this country. Like Bernie! Bernie and/or Tulsi Gabbard 2020! We shall overcome…someday, but until then, I hope this playlist is cathartic and helps you push through the dark times we are living in. Power to the people! Viva la revolucion!

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